
We've got the tools to make your job easier.

taliho qr arrangements screenshot

Share with the Field.

Quickly create groups of QR Codes, each associated with a particular project stage. Build, print, and share in under 5 minutes. Reduce downtime and maximize efficiency with our simple solution for seamless communication. Great for design and construction.

QR Arrangements

taliho product and equipment qr codes screenshot

On-the-Spot Access.

Preserve historical records and go digital with Taliho equipment tags. Provide instantaneous, on-the-spot access to information specific to every piece of equipment on your project, or site. Great for design professionals, as well as building owners.

Products & Equipment

Feature List

Suggested Categories

Not sure where to start?
We've got you covered.

Choose from a current list of the most popular QR categories that other clients are currently utilizing.

Company Categories

Customize your experience
from project-to-project.

Build a database of the QR categories you use most often. Then import them into future projects.

Unlimited Projects

QR Codes on demand,
as you need them.

Group your QR Codes by project for easy reference.
Create as many projects as you wish.

Show & Hide

Flexible information sharing,
your call.

Quickly hide any document from mobile view. You're in complete control over the information made available.

Custom Links

Taliho is more than just
documents and files.

Enable remote access to project, or equipment-specific websites and resources.

Forms & Checklists

Looking to establish

Provide instant links to interactive Google Drive or OneDrive forms, surveys and checklists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started Today!

No risk. No credit card required. Add your email below to get started!